Do you need more detailed documentation on Arboretum setup?
Arboretum App is a Contentful app that you can install in your environment. It's a visual representation of the sitemap computed by the Arboretum SDK.
Bright Arboretum is a powerful solution designed to address the challenges of managing complex website hierarchies in Contentful.
Arboretum simplifies the way you handle sitemaps, offering both a user-friendly visual editor and an open-source SDK for seamless integration. This extension is perfect for teams managing large amounts of content across multiple languages and environments.
Easily visualize and manage your website's hierarchy in a clear, user-friendly interface.
Manage sitemaps for multiple languages and environments, ensuring complete control of your content.
Arboretum is 100% powered by Content in Contentful, allowing you to maintain full control over your content.
Multiple widgets included in Arboretum will increase your editor's productivity.
Arboretum optimizes queries to Contentful, ensuring quick load times and smooth performance.
You can use Arboretum SDK to make use of your sitemap inside your website's code.
Arboretum features a user-friendly visual sitemap editor that simplifies how you manage and navigate your website structure.
By offering a clear, visualized representation of the site's hierarchical architecture, it allows users to easily explore even complex projects and understand how pages are organised.
Arboretum App is a Contentful app that you can install in your environment. It's a visual representation of the sitemap computed by the Arboretum SDK.
Arboretum App requires a valid licence to work. The standard licence is free of charge and you can generate it yourself within seconds.
Do you need more detailed documentation on Arboretum setup?
Bright Arboretum is a two-part solution:
The Arboretum Sitemap App can be installed directly into your Contentful environment, making it easy for content editors to manage without developer support.
The Arboretum SDK is implemented by your developers on your website, ensuring seamless integration with your front-end.
While both parts can function independently, they work best when used together. By combining both, you ensure that the App reflects the actual structure of your website, providing a true visual representation.
Learn best practices for organizing pages, managing dynamic sitemaps, and empowering editors to handle content effortlessly in Contentful.
Check the detailed instructions on installing Arboretum and on setting up your page content model in Contentful to leverage Arboretum's full capabilities.
Learn how to build a dynamic website with Contentful, Next.js, and Arboretum, using Arboretum’s SDK to manage and display content smoothly.
Reach out and let's see how we can solve it together.